09/29 2024 课题组于2023年发表在 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 期刊上的论文《Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly Strategy-Activated Cu Single-Atom Nanozymes for Catalytic Tumor-Specific Therapy》已经入选为 ESI 高被引论文!文章被引情... 03/03 2023 近年来,具有独特类酶催化性能的纳米酶引起了人们的极大关注。它们具有独特的优势,可以克服天然酶的难以储存、易变性和高成本等局限性。如何优化纳米酶的类酶催化活性、实现可控机制设计,并拓展其生物医学应用,成为重要的智能医学科学问题。本课题组针对L-半胱氨酸(L-Cys)自组装聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)修饰的Cu单原子纳米酶MoOx-Cu-Cys(MCCP-SAzymes)开展酶催化路径分子模拟与机制... 11/03 2021 与传统的分子药物相比,纳米药物通过改善其溶解性,肿瘤靶向性和延长血液循环时间等特性为药物开发提供了新的方向的思路。然而,纳米药物独特的表界面理化性质、不同的尺寸等使得目前的纳米药物进入临床所面临很多困难。近年来,自组装结构广泛地应用于药物递送、再生医学和免疫调节等领域,同时,如何在细胞内通过非共价键相互作用原位可控构建超分子结构并调控细胞命运,已经成为材料科学、化学生物学和分子医学等领域的前... 10/05 2021 Skin radiation damage is one of the most common illnesses in external beam radiotherapy. One of the vital reasons for the damage occurrence is the low-energy X-rays contained in treatment radiation... 07/09 2021 Nanomaterial-biology interaction is the critical step in the fate of biomedical nanomedicines, influencing the consequent biological outcomes. Herein, we present two-dimensional carbon-based nanoma... 04/15 2021 Nanomaterials (NMs) as lung-targeted drug delivery vehicles have attracted great attentions. Recent studiesindicated that elastic or deformable property of NMs could play a vital role in biomedical... 02/22 2021 图1. 纳米蛋白冠介导的纳米材料“体内转运-生物转化-生物利用全过程”Many nanoscale biomaterials fail to reach the clinical trial stage due to a poor understanding of the fundamental principlesof their in vivo behaviour. Here we de... 01/20 2021 Metallofullerenes present an ideal research object for developing new carbon structures with improved properties under high pressure. In this study, high pressure investigation is realized on metal... 01/01 2021 Rationale: Most contemporary cancer therapeutic paradigms involve initial imaging as a treatment roadmap, followed by the active engagement of surgical operations. Current approved intraoperative c... 10/25 2020 Gastric environmentis anextremepH and enzyme-richcondition, whichtogether withgastricmucus barrier and short retention time of oral medicine militate against effective oral drug delivery to lesion ... 07/15 2020 Metalloenzymes are promising anticancer candidates to overcome chemoresistance by involving unique mechanisms. To date, it is still a great challenge to obtain synthetic metalloenzymes with persist... 07/13 2020 Multimodal nanoparticles for cancer theranostics This issue highlights the stabilization of a brain–computer interface via the alignment of neural activity, nanoprobes for cancer theranostics,
日前,中科院高能物理研究所2024年度“从0到1”原始创新项目评审工作顺利结束,并完成公示。 课题组赵丽娜老师申请的“同步辐射结构化数据基座模型的预训练方法研究”,获得2024年度“从0到1” 原始创新第一批资助,资助经费为82万元,项目周期为1年。 高能所“从0到1”原始创新项目聚焦研究所战略发展,瞄准世界科技前沿,推动从0到1新生长点,依据“夯实基础,探索未知,谋求引领”的原则,鼓励围绕...
日前,中科院高能物理研究所2024年度谢家麟基金评审工作顺利结束,并完成公示。课题组尧浩东老师获得高能所2024年度谢家麟基金资助。 高能所谢家麟基金设立是为了激励青年科技工作者以2011年度国家最高科学技术奖获得者谢家麟院士为榜样,继承老一辈科学家的优良传统,追求科学真理,追求学术卓越,加快青年科技骨干和学术梯队接班人的培养,保证高水平科技成果不断产出,推动高能所科研工作的持续稳定发展。 ...
2023年5月9日,课题组孙明辉、徐德庭两位博士在高能所主楼会议室 415 进行了博士学位论文答辩。答辩委员会的专家包括微软研究院刘海广研究员、北京理工大学张秀辉教授、国家纳米科学中心高兴发研究员、高能所张智勇研究员、高能所孙宝云研究员、高能所李晓东研究员、高能所吴忠华研究员。两位博士顺利完成博士答辩,经过答辩委员会各位专家讨论与投票,一致通过博士学位论文答辩,并建议授予理学博士学位。202...
This 130-page “AI for Drug Discovery, Biomarker Development and Advanced R&D Landscape Overview 2020” report marks the ninth installment in a series of reports on the topic of the Arti... Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently started to gear-up its application in various sectors of the society with the pharmaceutical industry as a frontrunner beneficiary. This review highlights ... We are pleased to introduce the Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery” highlighting the emerging role of artificial intelligence (AI) in pharmaceutical research. A focal point of...